% zelta(8) | System Manager's Manual
zelta - Perform remote and recursive ZFS operations
zelta simplifies zfs tasks involving a datasets and their children ("dataset trees") on local or remote systems. Most zelta subcommands accept a source and target dataset or remote dataset endpoint accessible via ssh(1).
See the zfs(8) manual for more information about dataset names. A source dataset may be pool name (a single element).
Remote dataset endpoints are defined similar to the scp(1) command in the form [user@]host:[dataset].
A local dataset:
A remote dataset endpoint:
Zelta's parameters attempt to follow ZFS conventions whenever possible.
zelta help
zelta -?
: Displays a help message.
zelta -V, --version
zelta version
: Displays the Zelta suite version
See zelta-match(8) for more details.
zelta match
: Describe the difference between dataset trees.
Note that zelta is designed to be a safe and efficient backup tool that overides ZFS's destructive and obtrsive operations by default. For detail see zelta-backup(8) or the Zelta Wiki.
zelta backup
: Replicate a dataset tree. By default run extra commands to detect optimal zfs send options, snapshot if necessary, and replicate as many intermediate datasets as possible.
zelta sync
: Replicate a dataset tree. By default, assume an up-to-date versions of ZFS and replicate only the most recent snapshot.
zelta clone
: Clone and mount a dataset tree.
zelta policy
: Use zelta.conf to replicate dataset trees using a configuration file.
The following are additional Zelta utilities that are used internally and/or haven't been designed for public use.
zelta enpoint
: Validate and split an endpoint definiton.
zelta report
: An example API reporter.
zelta sendopts
: Determine compatible zfs send options between two hosts.
zelta snapshot
: Create a recursive snapshot.
zelta time
: If time(1) is unavailable, Zelta will use bash's POSIX time function to time for precision reporting.
cron(8), ssh(1), zelta-backup(8), zelta-clone(8), zelta-match(8), zelta-policy(8), zfs(8)
Daniel J. Bell bellta@belltower.it